Tuesday, March 09, 2010

This Makes Me Want To Throw Up

Michael Kelley:
So, there’s a new app out called “TigerText”. They say it’s perfect for cheating spouses, shady politicians, sexting teens, and people who send a lot of stupid texts while drunk.  According to Time Magazine
It works like this: when, say, a prominent politician sends his mistress an iPhone message via TigerText, the mistress will be prompted to install the app. When she has done so, she can read the message, but she can’t keep it. In fact, the message is never actually sent to her phone; it’s stored on TigerText’s servers. After the politician’s specified time span has elapsed — anywhere from one minute to five days — the message ceases to exist. There’s even a “delete on read” setting, which counts down from 60 after a message is opened and erases its text at zero. 

For those who need an even more comprehensive way to cover their tracks, the “delete history” option will wipe away any evidence of a given phone call. No telltale suspicious numbers, no chance of getting caught out by the old “press redial” routine.
(HT:  Jared Wilson)


Erin McCoy said...

you are right! PUKE!

Anonymous said...

Boy if Quami Kilpatrick had this app, he would have continued to get away with his affair.

Only proof that God has given up over to a deprived mind.

God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

not sure why you're "advertising" this app, Zach. if anyone was even thinking about having an affair and worried about communication with their "other," this would certainly help out. Yes, even people that read "christian" blogs would have affairs....
sorry man.