Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Randy Alcorn on Social Media and Time Wasting

Randy Alcorn:
The problem isn’t just what we are doing with our time; it’s what we are NOT doing with it. Where does all the time spent on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, YouTube and television and radio actually come from? Try keeping track of the time spent on all of these for a week. (See a blog I posted last year for some ideas and a PDF sheet you can print and use.) You may be stunned at the time you are spending on them. If you simply cut the time in half and asked God what He wants you to do with the other half it could have a revolutionary impact on your life.

My point isn’t that it’s wrong to tweet or Facebook or use the internet. I do, and I think it’s time well spent (partly because it’s really not much time and partly because of the opportunity to have some Christ-centered influence). All the time-users I’ve mentioned can have their place, but they can also become time-wasters, and often downright addictions.
Read the rest.

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