Tuesday, November 25, 2008

7 Day Sex Challenge?

Michael Spencer isn't very excited about Ed Young's 7 day sex challenge to the people at his church.

Spencer's critique
is worth considering.


Los said...

Spencer needs to chill, it is easy to be sarcastic and blunt from a keyboard. Maybe if he took off his chuck norris pj's and left his mom's basement more than just once a month he may be calmer and happier.

I am not defending Ed Young totally, but I will say this, I have heard him talk about stewardship, discipleship and other hard topics, but because he is on CNN and has a big church he must be awful, huh?

Dude and that was a cheap shot at Mark Driscoll and his wife, but again it is easy to do from the confines of a keyboard.

Anonymous said...


I love you, brother (thanks again for the Well tonight!), but I think that Michael makes some very good points here about the sensationalistic focus on sex (as opposed to the Gospel) in at least *some* of Ed Young, Jr's more recent sermons. Now, Michael does make these points sarcastically, but Mark Driscoll himself sometimes speaks with a similar edge about other pastors, and from the pulpit, doesn't he?

I think that Michael is writing with a righteous anger here, an anger that is borne from the sad truth that someone once spoke-- "What you win them with is what you win them to." In this case, that might mean "sexy" sermons which don't contain much Gospel.

Anonymous said...

Another thought about Michael-- he's definitely not a blogger without a life. He is active and faithful in preaching the Gospel regularly to people from other countries who have had little to no contact with it.

I don't always agree with Michael. As one in the Reformed stream of Christianity, I do think that he is far too friendly to Catholicism and Orthodoxy (the Orthodox Church), which both muddy the waters on some *very* important doctrinal issues. I write that just to say that while I am challenged and moved to serious thought by much of what he writes, I am not necessarily an Internet Monk "fanboy!" :-)