Friday, January 14, 2011

Gospel Check-Up

How often do the words, “I’m sorry, will you please forgive me" come out of your mouth?”

If not very often then usually one of two things (or both) are probably going on in your life.

1) You are not living life with others in such a way that you have allowed them close enough to you to see your sin or 2) you have failed to fully recognize and acknowledge the indwelling sin in your life.

One is a community problem and the other is a pride problem.  Both are solved by the Gospel.  The Gospel says that I am free and accepted in Christ so I don't have to wall myself off from others because of fear of rejection.  The Gospel also says that my sin runs very very deep.  So deep in fact that it took God himself sacrificing himself for me on a Roman cross to bear the wrath that I deserve.  If this doesn't crush my pride then I probably have not understood it.

The Christian life assumes that I am a sinner.  It also assumes that I will acknowledge my sin and live in close community with other believers.   If these assumptions are embraced then verbally asking forgiveness will be normative in our lives.  I am praying that it becomes more so in my life and yours.

1 comment:

Matt Jones said...

Thanks for the reminder duder - we've been doing this more in our community groups and it's been a huge blessing!