Monday, May 22, 2006

10 Ways to Hinder Your Church

Great post here from a new friend, Doug Eaton. I firmly believe that the Church is the hope of the world. If all of us in the church would take this list seriously, it would greatly impact the effectiveness of the gospel to reach the communities were we live. I was personally convicted by many things found on the list. I would commend it to you highly!

I would personally add at#11: Spend more time arguing about personal stylistic preferences in music than you do discussing how to rightly handle the Word, and #12: Always have a critique, but never offer a helpful solution.


Doug E. said...

I really like #11 and 12. Good points,

God Bless,


Mama en Fuego said...

I think Dr. Charles Stanley said it best when he said (and I by no means quote) church isn't about you getting inspired and feeling euphoric, it's about worshiping God.