Wednesday, March 25, 2009

8 Things to Know About Nightline’s Satan Debate

Mars Hill Pastor, Jamie Munson writes 8 Things to Know About Nightline’s Satan Debate:

If you’ve been paying any attention to Mars Hill Church online, you know that the big Satan Debate will air tomorrow night on ABC Nightline (the unedited version should be online tomorrow too).

Last Friday, I was able to enjoy the live taping of the debate as a normal observer with no additional responsibilities to help run the event. With the kids away for the weekend, Crystal (my wife) and I had plenty of time to hang out and discuss the “Faceoff.” Our top eight observations:

1. The debate was more about Jesus than Satan.

Both are important, but Jesus is the main character. He got the first word, thanks to Pastor Mark’s courageous, compassionate, and clear presentation of the gospel.

2. The hospitality of the Mars Hill volunteers.

They were everywhere, creating a warm and welcoming environment for all the guests and ready to help out in anyway necessary. The crew from ABC was floored by the warmth and competence of our volunteers. Thanks to those who served.

3. There were lots of laughs.

Moderator Dan Harris did a good job and made the potentially awkward “tape breaks” not so awkward. The whole experience offered a fun and educational peak into the world of TV production.

4. Mars Hill folks engaging non-Christians in conversation.

I saw and heard many conversations about Jesus between those on both sides of the issue. It was really cool to see Christians sharing Jesus in word and deed, and to hear so much open discussion. In fact, the whole experience was a lot like what used to occur at the original Mars Hill.

5. Annie Lobert demonstrated a heartfelt love for Jesus.

Her story was effective and moving; she has clearly been changed by Jesus and is using her life to help others experience the same grace and redemption.

6. Deepak Chopra admitted he cannot trust his own mind.

Unfortunately, he does trust his own spirit and not The Holy Spirit. I was grieved by the amount of faith that he puts in himself and the ambiguous way in which he spoke.

7. Bishop Carlton Pearson quoted a lot of verses, but…

Though he knows a lot about the Bible, Pearson picks and chooses which parts he likes and wants to believe. In doing so, he ultimately places himself in authority over Scripture as the one who gets to decide which parts are true and which are not.

8. God’s Word was the closing argument.

As his final statement, Pastor Mark read from 1 John 5:19–20, giving Jesus the last word. Jesus Christ is the true God and eternal life. I hope and pray that some who were in attendance and others who will tune in on TV or watch online will come to know Jesus in this way.

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