Friday, August 14, 2009

Do Boundaries Bring Freedom?

In many areas of life, freedom is not so much the absence of restrictions as finding the right ones, the liberating restrictions.

-Tim Keller, The Reason for God, 47

I have spent hours and hours over the years refining my ability to play the piano and guitar. Making the choice to do this has restricted my freedom in other areas. But having made that choice gives me much more freedom to potentially play as I would like and affords me musical freedom that I would not have otherwise. Boundaries do bring freedom. You just you have to pick the right boundaries.

You will be a slave to something. You will worship something. This is not up for debate. The questions is, to what will you give your slavish worship?

Abraham Piper puts it like this: Freedom is not the opposite of captivity; it’s when you’re happy to be captive.

1 comment:

Dan said...

I'm reading this book right now, and getting a lot out of it!