Friday, September 04, 2009

On The President's Speech To School Kids

Most of you know that I find that Obama's beliefs about abortion to be about as morally bankrupt as anyone could conceive of, but with that said, I appreciated Doug Wolter's comments in light of the speech that Obama will give to school kids:
I don’t know all of what President Obama will address in his speech, but I do know this–we need to teach our children to respect the president of the United States. Years ago it was a big deal to hear the President speak. We respected who he was and what he had to say. Now we feel the need to blast him before he even speaks. Please hear me. It doesn’t mean we will agree with everything he says, but clearly the Bible teaches us that we are to respect and honor those who govern us (Rom. 13:1-7). So perhaps instead of worrying so much about what the President might say and what our kids might hear, let’s pray for our president (1 Tim. 2:1-2) and model for our children an attitude of respect for him and for our God who is sovereign over all and holds Obama’s heart in his hands (Prov. 21:1).


Lifelong Learner said...

Regarding authority:
If we are a government of laws (as of this date, we still are), then that law (our Constitution) has authority over any operating branch of government. And, this same document calls for a divided and limited government. Even at the "central government level", that same document establishes manifold types of government -- legislative, judicial, and executive. Therefore the executive branch is limited. In addition, it provides proper authority to other types of government (see tenth amendment). In addition, by allowing freedom of speech (thus allowing legal dissent) our document also provides authority (though limited) to legal citizens in this land. When you are teaching your children to respect our civil authorities, I would encourage you not to fail in teaching them to respect the document that restricts the powers of our executive officer and provides legal authority to all types of other God-established "governments" - families included.
Lets assume your children attend public school -- who has proper legal authority to be their "superintendent of education" -- you?, or our central executive officer? As a parent, do you "filter" the media for your children? And why would you let them listen "unfiltered" to a man thinks Jesus is just "one of many" truths". See Psalm 1 for elaboration of the down-side results of such "listening".
When our Founding Fathers over-threw King George, were they "disrepecting" King George, or, were they "respecting" English Law?
I will end in the same manner as our Consitution -- "in the year of our LORD...". Sepetmber 2009. Even our Constitution establishes Jesus as King.
May God bless you and your family.
LifeLong Learner

Joe said...

Thanks for bringing that to my attention. While I agree with Life Long Learner and have many grave concerns about the direction our president is leading this country, I agree with Doug's comments.

This country was set upon a strong foundation, and though we have gone astray (as is our basic tendancy since the fall) there is always a chance for redemption. We as a nation can turn to God, or return to our national roots / heritage, or we can continue on the path of apostasy toward whichever flavor of tyrranny or anarchy we as a people choose (or fall for).

Whatever happens to this country, I am confident that it will all fall within God's supreme sovereignty. He *will* be shown glorious, regardless of whether we as a nation (or as individuals) choose to respond to Him in faith, trust, and obedience. Obviously, if we (and our nation) walk in His ways, we will inherit His blessings and be able to pass them to others (as is His desire). But as with His people Israel, we have the freedom to turn to or from Him.

We have some influence in our own small circles. Let us use our lives to point others to Him to the best we are able, and place our trust in Him for the end results. He said He's coming back soon, so I think our best bet is to help everyone we can get ready!