Thursday, August 19, 2010

An Interesting Take on The Future of Worship Services

Hunter Baker:
I’ll go on record predicting that liturgy is going to make a big comeback among evangelicals. Preaching is content and content is now everywhere. You don’t have to be at James MacDonald’s church in order to hear him preach. He’s on your computer, in your iPod, etc. Anyone can listen to their favorite pastor almost any time.
What you cannot get anywhere on an on-demand basis is a community experience of worship. You cannot take communion online, for example. The churches that move away from the pure content model and toward a community worship model will attract more young people.
For those inclined to comment, I am NOT suggesting this means a de-emphasis on orthodoxy or a lack of attention to the ministry of the word. I am simply proposing that the way we “do” church (especially among the low church evangelical crowd) is going to move in the direction I’ve suggested.

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