Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Change Laws AND Hearts - Abortion

So, I urge my missional pastor friends: by all means, preach the gospel of forgiveness. Preach against moralism and legalism. Offer the balm of the gospel to those who have had abortions. Let’s tirelessly seek to change the hearts of people who would snatch a baby’s right to life.

But let us never place a barrier between changing laws and changing hearts. We need to do both. And while it may not be every Christian’s responsibility to work to change the law, we must be thankful for those who are on the front-lines of the legal battle. Their work in squashing opportunities for the Evil One to snatch away more children is a crucial part of the fight for life.
Read the rest.  


Fahrenheit519 said...

Wow. Really? Battle against abortion on a moral/spiritual/ethical level all you want, but leave the law as it stands. After all, no one is seeking to legislate your right to be a Christian - and it wasn't always that way. Peace be to you, but, WOW.

Vitamin Z said...

But if the unborn ate human persons shouldn't they be protected?