Tuesday, August 09, 2011

One of Our Biggest Problems

Guest post by David Dorr

One of evangelicalism's greatest problems is the way we focus on America's problems. We tend to look at America from the summit of Mt. Sinai. We look at God's law and we see that it is righteous and good. We also know the promise that is attached to it: that the nation that keeps the law will be blessed.

But the promise of blessing is conditional. The blessing is only for those who keep the law. And when a nation strays from God's will, as revealed from Sinai, then every crisis is a call for national repentance and a return to God's ways.

The problem with all of this is God is no longer operating from Mt. Sinai. We no longer relate to anything from the law -- the system of performance that promises curses and blessings.

We are trying to reform from the wrong mountain. Our sacred assemblies and calls for righteousness are all in the shadow of Sinai -- is it no wonder that people curse and rebel?

No, we are people who renew from Golgotha. Evangelicals are dead Americans that have been raised to the heavenly city. And Mt. Zion doesn't need princes and chariots, it needs sacrificial service, laying our very lives down for law-breakers that they might meet Jesus.

Evangelical, you have nothing to fear by our present crisis -- but you are uniquely positioned with a message of hope -- a gospel that destroyed Sinai so that we can be free to serve.

1 comment:

Jared Holsing said...

Thanks Zach. You said something very important and said it well!