Monday, September 19, 2011

Reflections on Whole 30

A few weeks back I reported that my wife and I were going to try this crazy diet for 30 days.  It's called Whole 30.  You can read about it here.

Well, we are done now and I hated it and I loved it.  Some thoughts:
1.  Crucifying the flesh is not fun but yields much blessing.  Obviously this is no big shocker but I never thought of it in reference to food.  In the past, I have not paid attention to what I eat and now I will.

2.  My energy level was quite different throughout the 30 days.  No crashes at 3:30 and 8pm.  At least they were not nearly as dramatic.  This was a huge plus and really the only reason I did it.  Having a clearer mind and more energy is always a plus for me in light of all that is going on around me.

3.  It is very convicting to see how grumpy I could get by not being able to pound a huge bowl of ice cream before bed or simply eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I don't like limiting my choices.  But then I remember that most of the world has zero choices when it comes to food consumption.  I need to remember to be thankful that I even has some choices!

4.  We are going to create a new standard for our family and eating.  We are going to try and maintain a Whole 30 approach (but not quite as strict) when we are at home but then when we go on date night or over to someone's house we'll not worry about it and just eat whatever we want.  But at home we won't stock the house with foods that take more than they give.

5.  Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that flows from the mouth of God.
I would recommend you give it a shot, especially is you have a few pounds you want to shave off.  I would like to hear your reflections if you do.


Beal said...

Dude, I checked it out. so what DO you eat?!

David said...

I need to do something, and this looks like a good challenge. The only potential struggle - like BLen said, "what DO you eat?!" Did you guys find recipes, buy any of their books, or plan a menu somehow?

Vitamin Z said...

Lots of meat, veggies, fruit, nuts. Google for cool recipes. My wife found some great ones.

Mrs. David Hankins said...

Looks good. Does your wife menu plan? I'd love to see a week, if she doesn't mind sharing. ;)

sheila said...

Search for paleo recipes....most will meat the criteria.