Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What’s the Most Important Election Issue?

Justin Taylor:
This is a tough question because it can be answered from numerous angles, depending on the election (national, state, local), the candidates available, and the cultural situation. And even to answer it is to be accused of being a one-issue voter.

If I’m allowed to “cheat” just a tad, I want to wave the flag for at least ”one of the most important issues” in voting for a candidate: Where does he or she stand on abortion?

It’s helpful on an issue like this to distinguish between sufficient conditions and necessary conditions. A “necessary condition” means that something is required, but it’s not a “sufficient condition.” Oxygen is a ”necessary condition” for a fire (no oxygen, no fire) but it’s obviously not sufficient (or else you’d have fire every time there is oxygen!).

In my view, being pro-life cannot be a “sufficient condition” to receive my vote. One could have the right view of abortion and have terrible views on other important subjects. But unless we are in a position requiring us to choose between two pro-choice candidates, I think it is a good, reasonable criteria that the candidate be pro-life. I know that many think voting for pro-life candidates is simply a way that Republicans keep evangelicals “on the hook”‹and there may be some truth to that. But at the same time, it’s important to remember that pro-life legislation really does make a difference.

Abortion is not the only social issue of our day. But it is the most wicked. It marks a society that privileges the strong over the weak. It is the great Civil Rights issue of our day; the frontline for the battle for social justice. The issues are relatively clear, not complex. Some in my generation have experienced “fetus fatigue,” but I hope more and more will rise up to say that defending the weakest, most defenseless members of the human race is a really important issue in voting today.
(my emphasis)

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