Wednesday, January 06, 2010

"That's Just Your Interpretation"

Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian ConvictionsThe "that's just your interpretation" parry when you make a biblical point is usually vulnerable to Taking the Roof Off.  Use the first Columbo question ("What do you mean by that?") to find out if the person thinks all interpretations are equally valid and yours is just another in an infinite line of alternatives.

If you suspect that this is his view, Take the Roof Off.  Treat his own words as infinitely malleable.  Tell him, for example, that you are sorry to hear that he believes all Jews and homosexuals should be executed.  When his jaw drops, tell him that's your interpretation of what he said.  Does he have a problem with that?

Don't leave him hanging, though.  Clarify your point:  Some interpretations are better than others.  If the person you are talking with thinks you have distorted the Scripture, then invite him to show you the error, not dismiss you with this weak response.
- Greg Koukl, Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, p. 155

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