Thursday, January 13, 2011

We Are a Murderous People

Let this one sink in.

Al Mohler:
Americans generally know that abortions happen, but the reality of abortion is kept out of sight and, for most, largely out of mind. To acknowledge that abortions do occur does not require any actual knowledge of the numbers of abortions performed and the scale of the catastrophe. News reports that emerged in recent days will make that evasion harder to justify.

The New York Times reported January 6, 2011 that the abortion rate in New York City is about 40 percent of all pregnancies. That means that no less than four out of every ten pregnancies in that city are terminated by abortion. That statistic is horrific, leading a group of New York religious leaders to describe the abortion rate as “chilling.”

Of even greater magnitude is the abortion rate among African-Americans in New York City — a rate of almost 60 percent. This means, of course, that far more black babies are aborted than are born. How is it that black church leaders are so silent on this murderous assault on unborn African-American babies?

The Guttmacher Institute recently reported that the national abortion rate is 22 percent. Two out of every ten pregnancies in America end in abortion.

The enormity of the abortion rate in America underlines the fact that abortion is anything but rare. Over 1.2 million abortions were performed in the United States in 2008, the last year with full numbers reported.

This means that abortion is taking place in your neighborhood, and in mine. The abortion rate in New York City staggers the moral imagination, but the abortion rate nationwide is itself “chilling.”

We are a murderous people, and the blood of the innocent cries out for justice.
I recently finished a six part documentary on the Nazis and their main extermination camp, Auschwitz. It was the place where millions of people were shot or gassed to death for simply being "different".  Most people were not that moved to action until they saw with their eyes what actually took place there.  We vow "never again" only in retrospect.  At the time, people just didn't realize the vast magnitude of the murders that were being committed by the Nazis.

I assume the same is true for the issue of abortion.  Most people really have no idea what is going on and since it all goes on behind closed doors it's easy to forget and not pay attention.  There is no screaming and the size of the clean up is relatively small.  It's not exactly a crime scene with blood splattered everywhere.  But the horror is no less real.  If you have a Netflix account I would plead with you to watch the documentary, Lake of Fire.  It will force you to come to terms with a variety of issues related to abortion, but you also come face to face with a real abortion.  It is horrific, but necessary to watch for those of us who are called to defend the defenseless, speak up for the voiceless, and advocate for the weakest ones among us.

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