Friday, July 21, 2006

The Fray

Interesting article by USA today about up and coming band, The Fray. Word is that they are Christians but are signed to a mainstream label. From the article:
Faith continues to be an important factor for the members of the Fray, who "grew up middle-of-the-road Protestant," Slade says. But "we don't call ourselves a Christian band. Because when you get into marketing, 'Christian' means that you have everything together, and you're always happy, and you want everybody to start going to your church. The common denominators in the music I've liked is the honesty of not having answers and the passion to find them. I think that's what spiritual music has, whether it's Christian or pop or new age. If we have an agenda, it's to make art that is honest and represents what we believe in." (my emphasis)
"Because when you get into marketing, 'Christian' means that you have everything together, and you're always happy, and you want everybody to start going to your church" - it's too bad that he feels this way, but in a lot of ways I think he is right. Sad, but true.

BTW: In my opinion, their song Over my Head (Cable Car) is one of the best of 2006. Here is the iTunes link.

**UPDATE**: Here is a link to an article from Christianity Today.
(HT: Relevant Mag)

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