Thursday, October 05, 2006

Moore on "Jesus Camp"

Pastor Mark Moore has an interesting article in response to the movie, "Jesus Camp". In it he says:
Yesterday afternoon, I watched the film with a good friend of mine. At the ticket booth the guy was quick to comment on our choice of entertainment for the afternoon and informed us that everyone from a “Baptist Minister” to a group of “homeschoolers” had been to see the movie. We were the only ones in the theater until the last minute when we were joined by a man and woman who talked throughout the movie as if they were at a noisy bar. Their comments ranged from, “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” to, “That’s sick!” In between the jeering remarks, the woman continually made noises ranging from uncontrollable laughter to something resembling a cat that had just been backed over in the garage. To be honest with you, I’m sure the cat probably felt better with his recent acquisition of tire imprints than this lady felt with her recent acquisition of image imprints. The images on screen were at times enough to cause nausea in doctors who normally spend their days performing colonoscopies.
If I chose to respond to everything I took issue with theologically it would wind up being too much to sort through. My biggest concern as I watched this movie was the lady in the theater and countless others like her throughout America. She, and the man she was with, had just been exposed to a strand of Christianity that is extremely foreign to the New Testament.

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