Monday, October 09, 2006

The Schnee Shoots His Mouth Again!

Greg Schneeberger, the youth pastor here at Desert Springs Church is new to the whole world of blogs and especially the Christian blogsphere. Recently he has been turned on to this blog, the blog of "the one who owns the internet" and a few other blogs that are more Reformed in their leaning.

Today he asked me a poignant question, and I quote... "Why is it that all the junior theologians own the Christian blogsphere?" And then he said something like, "Everyone is a theological genius in their own little blog world". I took this as a very funny comment, but also very true. I'm sure that Al Mohler (he has a great blog) would smack Greg around a bit for saying this, but generally speaking I think his initial impression is interesting coming from someone who is new to this whole world of communication and publishing.


Unrelated Bonus Question: Why are all youth pastors more hyper than the kids that they lead?


Anonymous said...

Dude, back it down on the youth pastor thing or I'm gonna come over there and get loose on you!

Tim Bastron said...

I said that about people and their blogs a month ago or so. Do you remember when everyone was going crazy on Rob Bell? I mentioned that everyone seemed to think they were the newest and greatest theological minds of our time when it came to their blogs.

By the way I laughed out loud when I read your bonus question. It is true.

JT said...

When's Greg gonna get a blog? Mohler, Piper, and Driscoll were asking me that just last week...


Scott Sterner said...

Dude, Greg is suffering from some serious blog envy. He needs to nut-up and start putting his threatening words in writing.

Anonymous said...

first of all, for all who know the illustrious 'church world' bomb dropper, vitamin Z...there's no need to even believe that i said those things. however, complying with his subversive hyperbole, let me respond with humility. 1, i'm not that new to blog world...a long time (year or so, dinosaur in NET_LAND) reader of purgatorio and riddleblog. 2, no intention of fronting on my fellow junior theologians...its just interesting that the 'big dogs' tend to do their business over e-mail while we spread the butter a little wider in honor of 'peace, purity and unity.' Although Clark and Frame did have an interesting blog encounter 3, for fear of be blog-dubbed a raging liberal syncretist heathen, lets just say i'm sensitive (another YP trait) to chosen frozen hate mongering...of course we'd say we're contending for truth. no prob there...but humility is appreciated. like JT buying my pint and Z making him pay, perfect example... regardless, love you all, and scott's right, gotta get a bit more burnt before i'm ready to put these nuts on the altar.

love you blog brethren,

ps, zach wears girl jeans...hence the tight ness of his scrupulous verbal does he do it???