Thursday, January 04, 2007

Changes for The Church

Shaun Groves has some thoughts about changes he would like to see in The Church on the whole. He says,

1. Abandon the idea of a tithe.
2. Make membership meaningful by raising expectations
3. Expand our concept of giving beyond finances to professions and time.

You can read his whole post here. I think we would do well to heed his points in this post.

1 comment:

Jason Kanz said...

That is so weird. I did my Bible study on this tonight. I was reading through Galatians 3 and was considering how, because of grace, we are no longer under the law. The tithe is an Old Testament concept. Although we have let much of the Old Testament law "pass away", churches still hound on this one. Why? Because they need to, or they would be out of business. I agree with much of what Shaun said. First, we need to give out of a genuine desire and love for God and, in some cases, we need to give until it hurts. Particularly in afluent churches, it is easier for people to give of their money and not of their talent. I believe we should seek to do both. The benefit to Christ's church would be great if we demonstrated our love for others not just with our checkbooks, which we do a pretty miserable job of as well.