Saturday, January 06, 2007

Francis Chan's Gospel Presentation

Here is a well produced gospel presentation by Francis Chan. It's long, but I would encourage you to watch it. It's very well done. He recently spoke at Passion 07. Here is a link to hear his interview with Louie Giglio in preparation for Passion.

Internet Monk has an interesting commentary here concerning this video. He discusses how we should deal with presenting the gospel in light of some of the realities of Reformed theology. He says,
Chan, like a lot of young pastors who are influenced deeply by John Piper, isn’t frightened by the language of traditional evangelical invitations, and especially isn’t afraid of the language of passionate, pursuing love. I can appreciate that, because in my encounters with Calvinism as a pastor and a preacher, this was a never-ending controversy: What could you say to unbelievers, and how would you say it?

1 comment:

emily said...

Very cool. Did you watch his message from Passion 07? I watched it twice and was blown away. It was very good. He talked about luke-warm Christians. It was very convicting.