Thursday, January 18, 2007

Shameless Self-Promotion

I just figured out how to create a link to personal audio files. Check out It's pretty cool and free!

When I was in Nashville I had a publishing contract with Word Entertainment for about 6 months. Looking back, it really wasn't for me, but it was a great opportunity and I learned a lot. I wrote a bunch of songs but came away with only a few that I felt pretty good about.

If you are interested you can check them out below.

Major Disclaimer:
I produced these demo in about five minutes on my laptop which means that the quality is not professional by any means, but you can get a feel for the spirit of the songs. If you want to hear some of my stuff more professionally produced you can do so my clicking here.

You are My God

Church Full of Secrets


Chris said...

...and you can get your 10 free Zach Nielsen Ringtones!

Jason Kanz said...

Quite honestly, I miss Zach Nielsen music from my Parkview days. My 24-7,Beautiful Feet, and Passengers CDs are often in my car. I have often wondered, is there a place to get sheet music you've written?