Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Way It Is

Remember Bruce Hornsby's classic #1 from the 80's "The Way It Is" dealing with societal problems, namely racism, homelessness, etc? Here is an extremely cool solo piano version of that song (iTunes) from a new 4 disc box set that he just released.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya - that's very cool. I drove up to Minneapolis to see him live last year at the Guthrie Theater in a very cool setting. Just him and a piano. You got the box set free as part of the ticket, so considering the price of the ticket, it was like a free concert - so I have it. Well worth it. Also a great version of "End Of The Innocence" which is quickly becoming one of my favorite tunes of all times. Hornsby is totally happenin' and there's so much more there than meets the eye when you dig into his stuff. And to think he was a music major at Univ. of Miami and no one would give him the time of day because he was into all this pop stuff. He was talking about at the concert that he was releasing a jazz CD with Metheny, Jack DeJohnnette, etc. Should be interesting.