Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Real Emerging Church

But I would just say to you that there really is another emerging church that people don’t talk about that much, and that is the church in the East.

It’s the real emerging church. I don’t think emerging church is the right word here in the West, I think it is deconstructing. And that’s not bad. The church always needs to be deconstructed in the sense that this is what it meant to our fathers, now what does it mean to me and what is it going to mean to my children and grandchildren?

The emerging church that I deal with the most is in Asia and Africa and that part of the world and it is truly an emerging church, where Christianity for the first time is exploding on that side of the world, like we haven’t seen here for millenniums or centuries.

China is the greatest church growth story the world has ever known. But here’s what’s different in the two churches: the church in the East, it’s not deconstructing, it’s constructing; it’s not frustrated and disillusioned, it’s excited and positive, it’s just a totally different response. It’s not old faith and vintage faith that’s being reinvigorated, it’s new faith with a tremendous amount of passion.

I think the whole dimension of what we’re going to see from the emergent church in the East is far more significant on us than the Western emergent church is going to be on the rest of the world. For the first time in the history of the church we’re going to be affected more by the East than us affect the East since the split between the Orthodox churches, I’m convinced of that.
-Bob Roberts, pastor of NorthWood church, author of Glocalization and Transformation

(HT: Relevintage)


Tim Challies said...

I keep hearing about this emerging church in the East. I truly hope it's true. But most of the time the proof offered of such a church points to leaders that are hopelessly heretical or groups that are really nothing more than cults. It's all the rage to speak of this rising Asian church, but I've become a tad skeptical. I'd be interested in the kind of proof this author offers of this church's existence.

Anonymous said...

Had you been at the National New Church Conference you would have heard two. I know many. Sadly, most Western guys didn't come around and ask them much let alone know what to do with them. You want proof? Come with me to the Middle-East in about 3 weeks - you can see it first hand. Buy a plane ticket - get your butt in gear - be ready to die - you won't read a report - you'll see it yourself.

Anonymous said...

Can't make this thing work right - email me at northwoodc@aol.com