Thursday, May 03, 2007

Still too busy?

Dan at Cerulean Sanctum continues his discussion of busyness for Christians. He says:
Jan at The View From Her asked why Christians are demanding more and more Christian movies and TV shows. Isn’t it all just preaching to the choir?

That question fits here because I feel that our discipleship in this country is so poor we’re failing to create disciples who can stand on their own two spiritual feet. They need constant propping up in order to walk the path of Christ. So instead of developing an inner life filled with the Spirit, they surround themselves with pleasant Christian messages they believe will strengthen them.

Unfortunately, that misguided belief resembles going into battle clad in pillows rather than armor. Yet in a frenzied environment packed to the gills with this activity and that, we flop to the couch with nothing left and turn on our sweet little Christian movie before we doze off.
Read the whole thing here.


Anonymous said...

Does it ever feel and sound as though we have far too many commentators who comment on some negative aspect of evangelicals? This too is tired. I am tired. Really, for the most part, Christians are the finest people I know with many good character traits. I, too, am sad that we fail in many areas, but do we really need to hear it again from yet another common 'tater? I am going to go read Joel Osteen...

dle said...


Well, I thought the post was good, though I'm a bit biased!

Thanks for the link. Have a great week.