Monday, October 08, 2007

CCM Patrol

Some of you might be interested in this website: Where Christian music can actually get a bad review!

For those of your who don't know, Christian music is notoriously known for not being able to give honest and frank reviews when it comes to bad music. Probably in the name of being "loving".


joe byler said...

great find,,, you know its hard core when they give good ol' david crowder's latest cd a 5.9 out of 10... (i like the album, but totally agree with the review)
All i can say is "'bout time"

Timothy Zila said...

Hey my name's Timothy Zila, a writer for what was formerly known as the CCM Patrol but which will henceforth be referred to as the Patrol. Please help us get the word out about our re-launch which just might be the best week in terms of content wise.

The new address, starting tomorrow, will be