Thursday, October 25, 2007


All the cool guys with the best blogs are voting for Mike Huckabee. I guess you should too...


Chris said...

I'm not sold on Huckabee yet. I refuse to vote for someone simply because he's a believer. Huckabee gives a good speech, and is clearly good on the stump, but he holds several positions that I'm not comfortable with:

1. Supports a ban on smoking in all public places. Are you kdding me? This is America, where we have an expectation of freedom and liberty. If I own a bar or restaurant, and want to allow smoking, that's my right. The Democrats are the party of government making choices for us, not the GOP.

2. The Fair Tax is a fun idea, but so are a lot of things. This plan has zero chance of ever getting passed in Washington, and the efforts to do so only prolong real reform to our tax code, which sadly we're stuck with.

3. By most accounts, Huckabee is not a true fiscal conservative. Despite the Huckabee campaign's nuanced explanations, he did sign several tax increases in Arkansas.

All these things considered, I still may very well vote for Huckabee, but I'm not as quick to pull the trigger as other Christians. There are several other true pro-life candidates in the field that deserve our consideration (I'm currently checking out Duncan Hunter).

MTR said...

Hagenow -

Stop being bitter that Brownback is done!

DUNCAN HUNTER???!!! If Brownback couldn't cut it, Hunter doesn't have a shot! Like Brownback, he's a great guy - but he has NO SHOT at the White House ... let's get practical.

For a conservative like yourself to come up empty with Brownback and go anywhere other than Huckabee would be ridiculous!

Love ya, bro, but come on!!

Chris said...

Getting practical? Huckabee is on a nice run right now, but is still a true longshot for the nomination.

If I were to get practical, I'd be trying to choose the lesser of two evils between Rudy and Romney, because one of them is most likely going to win the nomination.

And I don't like that any more than you do.

MTR said...

Huck is the right mixture of ideal and practical ... just like the "Big 3's" endorsement of him said (link to it on this original post).