Monday, November 26, 2007

A Kind Marriage, A Kind Calvinism

Abraham Piper writes a very helpful and honest post on the DGM blog about his marriage and how it relates to Calvinists that some people percieve as being, "self-righteous, condescending, arrogant, unfriendly, argumentative, and even stingy." He sums up by saying:

In my marriage, it doesn't matter whether I'm thankful if I don't seem like it. And in the church, it doesn't matter whether we have the fruits of the Spirit if no one can tell.

It won't be easy to change the pejorative stereotype that clings to Calvinism, but we can start by admitting that it is accurate far too often. Then we can make sure we are manifestly not self-righteous, condescending, arrogant, unfriendly, or argumentative. Also, you can count on us to buy dinner or coffee sometimes.

Paying attention to those who disagree with us and taking them seriously, even if we're pretty sure we'll still disagree, is part of what it means to be in the body of Christ. It's humbling; it sanctifies. It will make us better husbands and wives. It will make us better Christians, and maybe even better Calvinists.

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