Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Piper on NPR on Suffering

My buddy Justin used to work very closely with John Piper and got the chance to observe him in various contexts of ministry. One of the things that I remember Justin saying repeatedly was that he always thought Pastor Piper was at his best when he was in an informal Q and A time. He said that he always seemed to be so carefully nuanced in the way he answered questions and never seemed taken off guard, but always ready with a Biblical and wise response.

I have never felt this to be more true than in listening to Pastor Piper answer questions from an interviewer on NPR in response to the Tsunami. This took place a few years back, but could not be any less practical as tragedy is a mark of our existence.

In my judgment, the benefits of this interview are twofold:

1. Listen to how he interacts straightforwardly and humbly with an interviewer who I assume is an unbeliever. He is also communicating to many that he knows are unbelievers listening on the radio. His approach here should be the norm.

2. The theology that he presents here in response to the overwhelming tragedy of the tsunami is precious beyond words. He comes at it from various angles, all of which unfold a Biblical vision that I hope we all could share.

I commend this to you highly as it applies far beyond the horrible circumstances of the tsunami from a few years back.

You can listen to or download this interview here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for this. I listened to it a few years back and remembering how compassionate and yet firm the gospel was presented.

Highlight of the interview

npr: A cyinc would say, So this is an evangelistic tool?

Piper: If they said it in a snide voice, I'd want to talk to them. The word tool sounds mechanical, ah, but if you push me there, sure.

Great one-liner.