Tuesday, November 20, 2007

They Will Eventually Eat Their Own Young

Trevin Wax (the coolest name in the blogsphere) writes well on "The Fundamentalist Survival Mechanism":
A movement that receives its identity from protesting is likely to prolong its survival by finding smaller and more insignificant things to protest.
He continues..
I am convinced that much of our in-house squabbling over theological matters and our smug “pat-ourselves-on-the-back” attitude that says, Thank God I’m not like the egalitarians, the Emergents, the liturgical, the Arminians, the charismatics and the Catholics is actually a subconscious attempt to exaggerate the distinctions that provide us a reason for existing. We think of this exaggeration as a survival mechanism, but actually, it will kill our effectiveness.

Add to the mix publishing houses, seminaries, pastors and teachers and conferences that spend most of their time and resources perpetuating the distinctives and it’s not hard to see how small the stuffy the room of fellowship with “like-minded” Christians can become.

Let me be clear on something. I do not believe we should do away with doctrinal distinctives. I am a Reformed-leaning, complementarian, Bible-driven minister who holds tightly to the fundamentals of the faith.

But I will not confuse second-order doctrinal distinctives with first-order doctrines. Once we journey down that road, we’ll eventually start confusing third-order doctrinal distinctives with first order doctrines, and we’ll wind up as isolated, irrelevant, and shrill as our independent friends.


1 comment:

Trevin Wax said...

Thanks for the linkage, man.

By the way... I like my name too. Haven't met any others that share it. I'd probably have an identity crisis if I did.