Sunday, December 16, 2007

Signs You Are Too Emergent

20. You only curse around fundamentalists.

19. You leave your church because the sermon was not obscure enough.

18. You refer to your local assembly as “church,” “synagogue,” or “mosque” depending on who you are talking to.

17. Your blog is a rant about how everyone else rants too much.

16. You brag that you have never been pinned down theologically on any issue.

15. The only thing you are sure of is that others cannot be sure of anything.

14. You bring your own wine to communion.

13. You are offended when someone says they are going to “Preach the Gospel” or “Teach the truth” believing they should just “Tell a story.”

12. Instead of a tract, you carry a can of Play-doh in you back pocket.

11. Your website links to Green Peace and the Democratic National Convention just because conservatives are against it.

10. You start a Christian blog, but leave it blank, fearing that you might offend someone.

9. You are not any good at art, yet you continue to present the Gospel by painting stick figures on recycled paper.

8. When you present the Gospel, Heaven is renamed The Matrix and you call Christ Neo.

7. Your church caters from Whole Foods.

6. Every sermon illustration begins with “The other night I was drinking a beer and . . .”

5. You have yet to read the book of Romans believing Paul was too modern in his thinking.

4. Your car has a bumper sticker that reads “I think my boss is a Jewish carpenter but I can’t know for certain”

3. You will not hire a pastor who has NOT been divorced.

2. You don’t worship on Sundays because everyone else does.

1. You evaluate truth by asking how many people hold to it. If it is too popular, then it is wrong.

(HT: Parchment and Pen)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I particularly liked #12. Play-doh is fun. And a funny word (2 words?). Emergents are super-cool. Emergent people call Sean Penn one of the great theologians of our time b/c he said something inane and derivative about war. Dude no way they would cater from Whole Foods -- just another western capitalistic whore. They go with the locally owned organic produce market. And there must always be a soundtrack going at church pre-service by some band that no one has ever heard of. Awesome.