Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sticking it to the Music Industry "Man"

The music industry as we know it is not doing well. Touring is harder, CD sales are down, labels are folding, and I really don't care. We will always have music as it is a reflection of our image bearing of God who is the ultimate Creator.

Bring on the youtube.com indies and spotting musical geniuses on your friend's blog. Grassroots, direct to you from the creator is the new way and you could have seen this coming 10 years ago. I am excited about it as it cuts out the middle man (labels) who can "spin" an artist to us with waves of marketing to sort through before you really know if you like an artist or not. There are many other reasons as well, but the internet is basically the biggest one in my opinion.

Of course a lot of this downfall of the corporate industry is due to people stealing music and I don't condone that, but on the whole I think this is going to purify musical art for the masses.


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