Saturday, January 12, 2008

Reflections On My Blogfast

1. It was good to detatch from my google reader for a few days.

2. I have too many subscriptions in my google reader. I was away from it for 4 days and when I checked it quick on vacation it had over 250 items.

3. I felt like I was out of the loop. Blog world is interesting because you create your own little cyber world of interaction and information. This is certainly not true intimacy or relationships, but it does make you feel like you know someone when you read about their life and thoughts quite regularly. Leaving this behind for a few days was weird when trying to come back to it. It felt like there were all these conversations going on and issues flying around that I was not privy to, but would usually be. It didn't really bother me, but just interesting to observe my own feelings about it.

That's about it. Nothing huge. Just my random thoughts. Blogfast is good.

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