Thursday, February 07, 2008

Against Music

Greg Gilbert has a great post over at the 9marks blog about music in church. You need to read it. I am not quoting it here because I want you to go over there and read the whole thing, then come back here and post some solutions. I have some ideas, but I want to hear yours.


The Campbells said...

Have you read The Unquenchable Worshipper: Coming Back to the Heart of Worship by Matt Redman?

The church he leads worship at went through this "problematic phase". It's been ~7 years since I read it, but he had an interesting real life solution.

While his solution didn't solve the problem for "church hoppers" looking for that emotional did for the faithful who were dedicated to that specific body.

joe byler said...

i agree with the problem... but i don't know a lasting solution. (other than what Redman did, but did that solve the problem long term?)

This is what's been on my heart lately and i think it relates somehow to what Greg said,,,

The church needs more worship pastors, not worship leaders. I'm not talking about just a "title" or "ordination". I'm talking about every guy/gal who takes the stage to lead a worship service, approaching it with the "heart of a pastor" who desires to do what's best for the hearts of the people and their relationships with God. When the mindset is to "lead the worship", its so easy for worship leaders to play on the emotional strings to get a "response" to validate what their leading. The "worship pastor" attempts to leads the congregation in authentic (and emotional) worship, using music (full band or just piano/organ, or whatever), knowing and continually communicating, through example and words, that authentic worship, (feeling close to God, the presence of God,) comes only by the Holy Spirit and a revelation of God, i.e. the truth of God, which are communicated in the songs we sing, etc, but the focus is not on music or emotion, but on GOD and what he has done and what he is calling us to.

sorry i rambled...
I certainly don't have it all figured out, but know this is what God's doing in my life as i try to do what he's called me to...