Saturday, February 16, 2008

David Tyree: His Testimony and His Faith

Remember the amazing "squash the ball against my helmet" catch the David Tyree made in the Super Bowl? Here is an interesting article about David and his transformation since becoming a Christian.

(HT: Brandon Hoops)


Anonymous said...

Hey Zach,

Just wanted to send well-wishes to you from another in your city of ABQ. I am a member of Crossroads Fellowship PCA right down the road from you all. Glad I stumbled on your blog through Dr Lucas' blog. I just got back into blogging for the first time in a very long time. You can look me up at

God Bless,


Vitamin Z said...


Thanks for stopping by! I just did lunch with your pastor, Mike on Thursday. Great guy. I hope we can connect sometime.


Anonymous said...

He is a great guy and we appreciate him very much. Hope to meet you also. God Bless!
