Friday, February 08, 2008

I Don't Agree With This But I Think It's Pretty Funny

The official memo from heaven has finally come down, folks; James Dobson has endorsed Mike Huckabee. I don’t know what took him so long to endorse the guy who is clearly God’s candidate, but better late than never, I suppose.

Clearly the hand of God has moved and eliminated that cult-leader Mitt Romney. Besides, one of the commenters here even said that Mormons eat children. I bet that’s true.

Look, my friends - it’s very clear. The only thing we can trust McCain to do that God wants is to drop the bomb on Iran within an hour after his inauguration. But we definitely can’t trust him on important issues like prayer in schools, teaching 6-day creationism, and destroying Hollywood. Vote for the only guy who will replace the constitution with the Bible: Mike Huckabee.



MTR said...

I don't agree with Fred the Fundamentalist, either, but at this point, I'll take a Huckabee vote from anyone.

I just wish guys like that would keep to themselves, rather than write crazy stuff for the public to see.

MTR said...

I don't agree with Fred the Fundamentalist, either, but at this point, I'll take a Huckabee vote from anyone.

I just wish guys like that would keep to themselves, rather than write crazy stuff for the public to see.