Thursday, February 14, 2008

Interracial marriage

Anthony Bradley reports:

Over at World Magazine I posted an opinion noting that interracial marriages are good. I also highlighted the fact that Southern conservative Christians are among the most resistant to interracial marriages. I know a couple guys that got fired because they affirmed interracial marriages from the pulpit. Oops!

Here's the link.

Read the thread and you'll understand why conservative evangelicalism will never have many blacks. Lots of racist views (in the name of Jesus). There are too many churchy people who remain racist, supporting their positions in Scripture, and cowards who refuse do anything about it. There are 175 comments so far.

Many of the comments are so racist that the site manager had to warn people.

Also, I made mention of the fact that all this "racial reconciliation" talk is merely cosmetic and we won't see any real change until people start intermarrying. Do we need another conference about it?


Robert Riley said...

Good post. I grew up in a "conservative", legalistic Baptist church in Michigan that was very much against "interracial marriage." The "Christian" universities that they dumped us onto were equally adamant about this teaching on their campuses, and it was enforced (thank God I bucked their system and did not go to one of those universities!). I remember asking my parents about why different colored people could not marry at a very young age - they didn't totally agree with the teaching, but thought it was "culturally" best (although I think they have changed on that viewpoint since then). Looking back, it makes absolutely no Biblical sense why one "race" can not marry another.

Although I don't think it is required that different races (really, cultures) inter-marry just for the sake of "inclusiveness" and for proving all white Christians are not bigoted, I do hope that this teaching and belief against interracial marriage disappears from congregations that claim to be Bible believers.

M&M in Japan said...

Amen. I love my Japanese wife. I rarely even think about her being Japanese- because we are so similar! (Well, except for the fact that she is a lot more beautiful and quite a bit smarter!)

The cultural thing is overrated too. The biggest difference that we have is that Maki is a woman and I am a man! We are so similar in our tastes, interests and dreams. Maki has been the single greatest blessing to me and my ministry in Japan. God's plan is great!

Like Robert hinted at, I think we need to drop the "race" word. There is one race, the human race.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Anthony Bradley and to you, Z, for this post. I am Caucasian and my fiance is Hispanic. I was born and raised in Alabama, and encountered as many racist attitudes there from professing Christians as from anyone else-- possibly more. In my all-white high school, I stood up to my classmates when they made racist remarks and told racist jokes (I wasn't even a Christian at the time but was raised not to think in racist terms). Very few other white people would dare to say anything. It was so, so sad. I pray that the professing Christians in the town in which I grew up have shed their racial hatred. I also pray that the pastors in their churches have dealt with this condition of the heart for what it is-- a blatantly sinful one with no justification.