Monday, February 25, 2008

The Mystery of Prayer

Prayers cause things to happen that wouldn't happen if you didn't pray. I wonder if there's any Calvinists out there squirming. Listen to this: When James 4:2 says, "You do not have because you do not askt," that does not mean "You'd have anyway even if you didn't ask because I gotta plan." The verse doesn't mean the opposite of what it says. It says you have not because you ask not. That means prayer causes things to happen that wouldn't happen if you wouldn't pray. This is why this is a staggeringly glorious privilege . . . If you do not avail yourself of the privilege of bringing to pass events in the universe that would not take place if you didn't pray, you are acting like a colossal fool.
- John Piper, in the audio for the sermon Pray Like This: Hallowed Be Your Name (text version here)

(HT: Jared)

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