Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Adoption is Greater Than The Universe

Watch John Piper talk about adoption from Ephesians 1:

His closing encouragement:

I would suggest that you seriously consider not only supporting, but also doing adoption, both spiritually ... and also in terms of finding children who have no mom and dad who could be folded into a family—just like God planned from eternity to fold sinners like us, through Christ, into his everlasting family of joy.

May God bless you in all your dreaming, all your planning, all your praying, all your working in the cause of adoption.

I pray for a day when adoption would be seen as normative (but not legalistically) for all Christians.

(HT: DGM Blog)


Jack Hager said...

Thanks for this! I've been blessed with two children the old-fashioned way, and two adopted. Over the years I've recognized, to my alarm, that my love for the adopted children seemed, in some ways, to be more dynamic, stronger, than my love for the older two. Eventually I realized the reason for the "difference" was that, sort of, I HAD to love the older children; they were "mine". I chose to love the younger two. Didn't "have" to, but chose to. God so loved...

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your post on adoption! My wife and I have been considerating adoption and actively discussing if we should adopt. We just discussed that we must seek God for some direction and the timeing of this post and the content gives me so much of a better understanding why we should.

thanks and God Bless you, I / we have enjoyed your blog.
