Monday, March 03, 2008

Shut Up and Compete

Doug G. reports:
Charles Colson writes of the free speech ban on athletes at the next Olympics put in place by the Chinese government. This communist regime is repressive and inhumane, and it has designs on the world.

From the article:
To carry on with the Games as if nothing is wrong in China is a serious blow to human rights and those who fight to uphold them.

Steven Spielberg recognized this and withdrew from his role as an artistic adviser to the Games’ opening and closing ceremonies. According to the Wall Street Journal, Spielberg cited “China’s connection to the government in Sudan and the controversy over Darfur.” Good for Spielberg.

“About the only justification for participating in the Beijing Games is that it offers an opportunity to encourage more awareness about human rights,” says Lord Alton.

The Games will go on. But to paraphrase Alton, the only justification for watching them will be for American viewers to raise the human-rights issue in letters-to-the-editor, speaking with lawmakers and Olympic sponsors, and shining a spotlight on Chinese repression.

Even if our athletes can not speak out—and I bet some will—we can. And we must.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What Steven Spielberg did was a righteous action and one that he can of course afford to do.. The Ccp has shown and will continue to show its true colours to the world and this will definably sort out the righteous from the evil in this dharma ending period in the world today.

It’s the Ccp who has politicised these Olympic games by jailing, persecuting and removing the basic human rights of the Chinese especially the Human rights activists and human rights defenders and the people of faith while spewing forth massive amounts’ of propoganda to brainwash all Chinese citizens.

BTW the Chinese communist regime boycotted the Moscow Olympics in 1980 citing political issues. This info needs to be spread widely

Why would the international community expect the Chinese communist regime to stop Genocide in Darfur or anywhere else in the world when they are committing their very own Genocide on the peaceful practitioners of Falun Gong in China.

Spielberg would do better in exposing the atrocities committed inside China.

Read the report about the Chinese communist regime committing live forced organ harvesting to the Falun Gong and selling their organs for large money to the rich foreigners.

Crimes Against Humanity and the Olympics cannot co-exist in China.

Some truths are intolerable
Our Governments know about it
Our media know about it
Human Rights organisations know about it
Now you know about it

PLease do something now!!