Monday, April 28, 2008

Deconstructing Oprah

Melinda at the blog with a helpful post on Oprah's religion that is sweeping the nation (if not the world).
First is the claim that this teaching is what Jesus really was here to teach us. Bunk. Jesus Himself said that His death and resurrection was the purpose of His life, that our decision about who He is is central to our relationship with Him, and that salvation was only through Him. The New Agers have been trying to strip Jesus of most of what He Himself said for years now so that they can use Him for credibility, a nice, wise teacher. But you have to ignore most of what He actually taught in order to make that work. Jesus own words make Christianity and any New Age teaching incompatible.

Second, these books/theologies always teach an impersonal Consciousness that we are a part of. That's Hinduism. Christianity is about a personal God who created us, a personal being to have a relationship with. They merge creation and Creator; Christianity keeps the two distinct. Jesus Himself said that He was God so God is not an impersonal force or indistinct consciousness to access or achieve.

This western blend of Buddhism and Hinduism in New Age wrappings has been growing in attraction to Americans for years because it gives people the significance of a religion without the obligations and demands that a personal God and the Bible make on them. It's high on personal meaning and low on personal obligation. Underneath it all, people are God's creatures and are sinners. They're running from that fact. The best thing to do is to use the Law and Jesus' own words, and let the Holy Spirit work on their heart and conscience.

Read the whole thing.

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