Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pushups - Day 1 Report

Well, yesterday I started the 6 week 100 Hundred Pushup Challenge. To start off you have to max out and see how many pushups you can do at once. Go until failure. I did 36. Not bad, but not quite as good as I thought I would do. I keep forgetting that I am old and crusty now. My wife also has decided to join me along with about 10-12 other people that I know. Should be a fun ride to see who makes it to the end.

Here was our first work-out from last night:

10 reps - 60 sec. rest - 10 reps - 60 sec. rest - 8 reps - 60 sec. rest - 6 reps - 60 sec. rest - Max out (Go until failure)

It wasn't that bad but since I was so sore from the day before's max out test it was harder than I thought it would be. I am VERY sore. The last set where you have to go until failure works you over pretty good.

I'll keep you posted...


Whit said...

i feel your pain. I've started running in the last two weeks and it's kicking my butt. perhaps push-ups will follow

Eric J. Hansen (Spot) said...

I'm ridiculously sore thanks to you and this magical program.
I'm due for more pushups today. I like your idea of doing it with your wife.
(no pun intended)

Tim Bastron said...

I took the test last night and I was humbled by the results. I could only get 30.
My wife and I are doing the program together. Somehow she did 38 when she tested out. I am very afraid now.