Thursday, July 03, 2008

Current Challenges to Pro-Life

I found this article from Newsweek a bit disheartening: Why The Right-To-Life Movement Faces A Difficult Future


D.J. Williams said...

The "health" definition is certainly a concern, but the article's downplaying of the importance of Supreme Court justices seems foolish now eight years after it was written, since Bush has appointed two justices and the next president will likely appoint more.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the article was rather disheartening. It seemed almost fatalistic.

What we need to realize is that, as Christians, we can also fight abortion without only the law but with helping and supporting women who decide to keep crisis pregnancies. Crisis Pregnancy Centers across the country discourage abortion by encouraging adoption, financially providing for the mother's prenatal care, and providing ultrasounds. Around 90% of women who see an ultrasound, decide to keep the pregnancy.

We just have to find ways to work around these laws and to discourage abortion. I think the pro-life movement is already accomplishing alot within the last couple of years.