Monday, July 07, 2008

Gay Divorce?

Dan Kimball writes on his blog today:
A question that came up in a later discussion I had tonight, which I now am thinking about at 1:50 AM has to do with gay marriage. This is the question for churches who hold a conservative viewpoint on the practice of homosexuality and biblical covenant of marriage, as our church does - the question is this:

If a homosexual couple gets married legally - and then sometimes afterwards this couple studies Scripture and determines that the practice of homosexuality would be considered sin - would the church endorse and recommend that they get divorced, if the same church holds that a couple shouldn't get divorced unless there was marital unfaithfulness etc. and in this case, they were faithful to each other in their gay marriage.
I assume the answer to this question is certainly "yes, get divorced". The Biblical command to not get divorced assumes marriage between a man and woman, not a man and a man. I think gay-marriage would certainly meet the requirement of "marital unfaithfulness" in the truest sense. In God's eyes, a "marriage" between a man and a man is not a marriage at all, thus the question doesn't even apply.

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