Thursday, July 17, 2008

Maxed Out

You want to know why there is all the gloom and doom in our economy right now? Maxed Out will give you a bit of a clue as to why.

You should see this documentary. My wife and I watched it last night and both found it very interesting. It falls short of telling the truth about the source of the problem (that most people operate with a kindergarten like need for instant gratification, our family did up until a few years ago) and places all the blame on the snake-like credit card companies (which is what they are). Even though the diagnosis falls short of curing the real problem (people's greed), it's still a great movie to watch.

You can find it here on Netflix.

You want to get your money in order? Check out Dave Ramsey.


Conner Marshall said...

That documentary was part of my training when I was working for the debt settlement company to get us all amped to help people get out of debt. I remember being pretty upset watching it.

GFish said...

It's been a while since I watched it, but I kind of remember thinking that it didn't offer much hope. It was just about how bad things are.

I was looking for some Dave Ramsey hope inspiration to motivate people to get out of debt like he does on his show.

Is a person who is "maxed out" going to watch this documentary? Or like most documentaries are only the people who already agree with the premise going to watch it?

Vitamin Z said...

Dave Ramsey has a good spot in the special features. But you are right. Not much hope. The main thing I got from it was, don't do business with credit companies!