By faith and prayer our family has decided to move forward into the process of adopting a child into our family. We have five main reasons for this:
1. We want to model the character of God who, "executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing" (Deut. 10:18).
2. We want to model the gospel of Jesus as ones who have been adopted into the family of God (Eph. 1:3-10).
3. We desire to see James 1:27 lived out in our lives by caring for orphans. Why not care for one by adopting them and giving them a new life?
4. We want to see a culture of adoption raised up at the church where I work and as a full-time staff person we believe that it is very important that leaders model the values that we teach.
5. FOR US, our only real reason for NOT adopting is selfishness. If we can afford to support three kids I think we’ll probably be ok with four. The prospect of having an even crazier home, or getting up with another child in the middle of the night, or having enough energy to train and discipline another child pales in comparison with the overwhelming needs of an abandoned child who needs a loving Christian family. You could respond and ask, "Do you think that all those that choose not to adopt a child are selfish?" Certainly not, that is why I stress the FOR US part. But it might be a good idea to ask yourself why you don't want to adopt. I am fully aware that there are great reasons not to adopt, but if you are a Christian, you must come to terms with God's commands to care for the poor, needy, voiceless and powerless. If it's not adoption, then in what ways does your life reflect an incorporation of these commands?
We are moving forward with All God's Children as our adoption agency. Would you pray with us that God would provide the means to see this desire fulfilled and that our family would be nothing but a blessing to an orphan child?
U have a beautiful family and God doesn't trash any move from the heart that's in His will and He'll provide the Way if so
Heather and I have started down this road too. I appreciated the podcast you had from the pastor who spoke at your church a few weeks ago regarding adoption. In fact, she and I are going to meet with LSS today to start the ball rolling.
May God bless you, Kim, and the kids in this endeavor.
Zach, this is awesome. Thanks for sharing. I linked you from our church blog to up your traffic...and because they need to read your reasoning.
That's so cool. I'm excited for you guys. We will be praying for you and the whole process.
What exciting news . . . for your family and your future child!
Just know, you will learn just as much during the process as you will once your child is home . . . adoption is miraculous and marvelous!
We brought our daughter home from China through All God's Children . . . we love AGCI and their commitment to orphans!
Blessings to your family!
This is amazing! God has really touched your heart and I'm glad he has placed this upon you! Prayers and Blessings to you!
I am linking to this post via my blog. Your story is inspiring and touching!
Hello. Found your site via militarywifey. We are moving forward as well - actually pursuing domestic infant adoption, which can seem a little different than orphan adoption, but is also needed. Thanks for the gentle but straightforward encouragement to consider adoption. (We also have three children already, so it's nice to see another "big" family taking on more kiddos...)
Hey Zach! Love your post about the adoption and think it's awesome that you guys are headed down that road. We adopted our son 2years ago and are in the process of adopting again. We are pursuing domestic - how about you guys?
We are pursuing international right now. Hoping for Bulgaria. Thanks for your comment!
We are a adoptive family with five beautiful blessings, two of which were gathered into our family through adoption (and two more soon! Yea!!!). We will be praying with you. It is a WONDERFUL journey that will grow your heart in ways that are unimaginable. God is SOOO good!!!!
I fully agree and support you guys... I think the Kingdom of God would grow if we would just adopt and effectively disciple our children.
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