Thursday, August 14, 2008

AmazonMP3 Daily Deal - Depeche Mode - The Singles 86-98

Depeche Mode - The Singles 86-98, $3.99

Children of the 80's, you know you want this.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, Zach...Depeche Mode?

Vitamin Z said...


These guys were WAY ahead of their time.

Deal with it.


Anonymous said...

In the '80s, when Depeche Mode were huge, I was a thrash metal/ punk-rock fan. I had no time for DM; I thought they were "wimpy." It took until the '90s for me to see that I was wrong. I still don't like all of their music, but some of it is great. I also like some of Erasure's stuff-- another thing that I once *never* thought I would say!