Friday, August 29, 2008

Compassion International and Christian Artists Who Get Money From Them

I'm sure many of you have been to Christian music festivals that are sponsored by Compassion International or World Vision or been to a Christian concert where there was a pitch for one of these organizations. Shaun Groves who works with Compassion was recently asked this question:
I have a friend who is totally against everything that Compassion and World Vision do. Why? Because she’s convinced that music artists get “kickbacks” for every child they manage to get sponsored. Is this true? Can you clear this up to put her mind at ease?
I think he gave a really good answer.

And yes it is true, they do get kickbacks (for the most part I think).

Sponsor a child online through Compassion's Christian child sponsorship ministry. Search for a child by age, gender, country, birthday, special needs and more.

1 comment:

Paul Wilkinson said...

You've raised the profile of an issue here that has bothering some of us for a long time.

Christian concerts ARE a ministry. That's how what we call CCM got started. Relief and development agencies are simply piggybacking on the success of CCM to further their own ends.

Keep this discussion on the front burner.