Just a quick note to encourage you to pray for SCC and his family as they will have a full hour on Larry King Live this coming Thursday, August 7 at 9pm EST. Furthermore a couple of weeks ago, Robin Givens with Good Morning America came to the Chapman home to do an interview and the taping of that interview to be aired on Good Morning America will be tomorrow August 6th.
When these many opportunities came, the discussion quickly centered around the opportunity to use them to remember and celebrate Maria, to thank the tens of thousands of you who have sent condolences as well as the the hundreds of thousands or more that have prayed for this family, to highlight adoption and orphans…
and most importantly that the Hope of the Gospel be proclaimed.
It’s our hope that this is what will be accomplished, that as many as possible will be reached, especially those that would not hear of it any other way… and we seek your prayers as the family endeavors to do so in these interviews.
People Magazine issue with the Chapmans interview will hit the newsstands around August 13th.
Thank you in advance for your prayers. May God be Glorified!!!!
Adopted Eternally,
Executive Director
Shaohannah’s Hope, Inc.
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