Friday, September 05, 2008

Beyond Culture Wars

Michael Horton:
“We have become the rock of offense rather than Christ. The irony is we have taken the offense out of the gospel–we don’t preach sin and grace anymore–and have taken it over for ourselves. We’re offensive for all the wrong reasons while we leave the gospel itself devoid of its power. The minorities, the feminists, the gays, and others who practice immoral lifestyles–people with whom we may not agree–will not give us a hearing at the end of the twentieth century. Not because we have preached the gospel and called them to repentance and they don’t like that, but because we have framed our communication with them in terms of a war for social, political, and cultural control. Contrary to the religious leaders of his day, Jesus was the friend of sinners. Prostitutes turned from their prostitution because, as Jesus said, “He who is forgiven much loves much.” The Holy Spirit will not convert a single soul through moral crusades. He will not convert a prostitute through Senate bill 242, or change the direction of the homosexual by prime-time denunciation from moralistic preachers. Yes, we are called to preach the good news and to call men and women to repentance, but that is not a political issue, that is not ultimate a moral issue, that is a gospel issue. Repentance can no more be coerced by the state than faith; both are the gracious gifts of God.”
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I very much enjoyed this article. Rather than insert my own opinion I was wondering how 1 Cor 5:12-13 might play into this discussion as to what the church's role (if any) is in addressing sin in a culture?

"12What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you."

Anonymous said...

I agree with what I *think* Michael Horton is saying here... but therein lies the problem-- I'm not exactly sure of what he is saying.

Have Christians become involved in politics in such a way (often speaking in histrionic tones) that the Gospel has been obscured? Yes. Do some Christians appear to forget the fact that passing a law against abortion (for example) cannot change someone's heart *about* abortion? Yes. Politics is not the Gospel and should be confused with it.

However, the fact that God alone changes hearts does not mean that Christians should not be involved in culture and politics. We must be careful here. Christianity does not equal the platform of the Republican Party *or* the Democratic Party. God's word stands above and judges all human systems of thought. We will also *never* be able to create a cultural or political utopia in a fallen world.

However, Christians can legitimately (and I think, should, to some extent, at least) be involved in culture and politics for the purposes of upholding justice (as Biblically defined), of being salt and light, and helping to show God's character to a fallen world. We must be careful to hate what He hates and love what He loves, while not hating those who hold to ideas that God hates. For example, we can pray for and love those who champion the "right" to murder unborn children, at the same time that we actively oppose their ideas in the legal sphere.

Culture and politics cannot save anyone from God's righteous judgment. The Gospel of grace-empowered repentance and faith in Jesus Christ is alone sufficient to save. This truth does not mean that it is pointless and fruitless for Christians to be involved in culture and politics though. The involvement must simply be informed by Biblical *discernment.*

Charlie J. Ray said...

Michael Horton must think we're all idiots? Simply because "some" Christians are heretics and "some" Christians have confused politics with the Gospel does NOT mean that being "pro-choice" is NOT a heresy! Being pro-choice is to violate the 6th commandment! Thou shalt not murder!

To be pro-gay rights and a Christian is virtually incompatible since this doctrine undermines God's original creation of Adam and Eve. It is a violation of the 7th commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Apparently, Horton thinks Christians should shut up and stay home. I for one believe homosexuals are offended by our social agenda PRECISELY BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT WE BELIEVE THEY ARE PERVERTED AND THEY ARE LOST BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ACCEPT GOD'S LAW.

This does not mean that we throw out the Protestant Reformation or the doctrines of grace. It simply means that we refuse to accept the doctrine that Christians who practice immorality are genuinely converted. This is true whether the issue be murdering the unborn by state sanction or promoting gay marriage by state sanction. Any so-called Christian who claims to be against these sins while voting for the state sanctioning of such institutionalized HERESY by the state is not genuinely converted and has absolutely no understanding of the Gospel of grace. Grace is not a license to sin, nor is it a license to instutionalize sin within a wicked and evil worldly kingdom. Having two kingdoms does not allow us to compartmentalize religion in one kingdom and our endorsement of evil in a worldly kingdom. Christians must be consistent in EVERY arena.

Charlie J. Ray said...

See my rebuttal of Horton at