Monday, September 22, 2008

New Commercial from Microsoft Confirms Their Lameness

Is it just me or do these "comeback" commercials from the PC world make you want to buy a PC even less?


Seth Ward said...

Dear Lord. It is awesome when a competing company spends money on an advertisement that winds-up spending zillions on making themselves look even dumber. So the logic behind this commercial is,

"I'm a P.C. and I've been made into a stereotype. Here is why: (lame commercial) Don't buy me."

Anonymous said...

I think I spotted Deepak Chopra. Fail.

Jim Coates said...

Its just you *grin*

Seriously, the Apple commercials were equally as lame and equally as pointless... but since they were "artsy", people thought they were brilliant.

Come on Z... you know better than this. Just because the Mac (emergent) looks cool, has some easy to use features and is part of being culturally "hip", that doesn't mean that the PC (traditional) is less useful, less powerful, less capable etc.

You may consider it "calling it like you see it", but the reality is Apple is every bit as guilty of taking advantage of consumers and monopolizing interfaces etc as Microsoft ever was. Take a look at the iPhone... try creating an application to sell for it (like I do for a living!)... guess who has TOTAL control of it and who takes a large chunk of the earnings? Guess who decides what the consumer wants (you have to be approved by Apple to even make an application)? Guess which portable device of mine crashes the most (between my Palm, Windows Mobile and iPhone devices)? Guess who made their own over-priced device obsolete in a matter of a year?

I have a mac right here with me... and guess what. I'd gladly give it away.

Don't be a hater, my friend.

Ok rant ended... let all the Mac-olites jump in and PC bash.

Vitamin Z said...

I would never buy and iPhone. They are too slow. I am getting my crackberry tomorrow.

Jim, so sorry you feel this way. I will pray for your salvation and let the Holy Spirit change you.


Taliesin said...

This doesn't turn me off PC's anywhere near as much as the smug "I'm a Mac and I'm a PC" commercials turn me off of Mac's.

Unknown said...

I'm not saying this just bc I got a mac, but that is horribly cheesy. Yikes. But no worse than those awful apple commercials. insufferably smug.
BTW--in re: your previous posting on abortion. Have you ever met anyone who has changed his/her mind about any particular issue bc of a blog discussion? My heart goes out to Amy...she wasn't going to convince you, and you sure weren't going to convince her in that arena (that's excellent that you work with her and the two of you can keep up the discussion). And so we get to how to we actually engage people? By blogging to a nondescript person in a screen? Read AB's blog today about white privilege, and it is utterly, sickeningly pointless.